Personal Coaching with Joe Barghi

I’m Joe Barghi, and I’m here to help you navigate and excel in several crucial areas of your life. I've experienced so much in my life, and that experience has helped me navigate multiple businesses, family, health, & wealth. Whether you’re looking for expert advice on Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP), business strategies, life coaching, fitness, or wealth management, I'm confident can help. I love making a noticeable difference in peoples lives and my passion is to help and provide value to others, in anyway I possibly can.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

In 2015, Joe Barghi discovered Scalp Micropigmentation, and immediately following his final session, he became fascinated with learning more about this amazing art-form. As an artist and through his own personal experience, he realized the power of SMP and how it can help change people's lives for the better, giving them the power to live confident, fulfilling, happy lives. Turning a passion, a life-long mission, and a love for helping others into a rewarding and successful business, Joe had found his calling.

With over 10 years of valuable experience in the SMP industry, Joe has successfully changed the lives of thousands of clients and trainees from around the world. With over 200 5-star reviews, Joe has accomplished what many business owners cannot, providing value to each and every client. As a business owner, trainee, mentor, and coach, Joe provides instant value to somebody who is just looking to start in this business, as well as somebody looking to take their business to the next level.

“Micropigmentation has not only emotionally impacted my clients, but it has also changed my life for the better. There is no better feeling or business than one where you’re able to impact the lives of those around you so deeply and positively. My philosophy in life always revolves around giving, as it is in giving that we receive.”

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Business Consulting

From the music business to the car business to the scalp micropigmentation and aesthetics business, Joe has experience launching, developing, and successfully building multiple businesses in various industries. In today’s dynamic business environment, having a strategic edge can make all the difference. During your consulting session, Joe will evaluate your business acumen, business plan, competitive advantage, market, personality, strengths, weaknesses, and skill. Everything will be evaluated to give you tailored business advice in order to help you refine your strategy, improve operations, and drive growth. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our session will provide insights and strategies to propel your business forward. No matter what business you're in, it always helps to have a plan in place with the guidance and support of someone who's been in your shoes, starting a business from scratch.

Life Coaching

Life coaching is about unlocking your full potential and achieving personal and professional goals. It's about becoming better everyday, to reach the best version of yourself. To show up for yourself, your family, your kids, your partner, your employees, or whoever you are with on a daily basis. This is a never ending process, as we continue to learn valuable lessons in life on a daily basis. As a life coach, I focus on empowering you to overcome challenges, set clear objectives, and cultivate a positive mindset. Together, we’ll work on actionable plans to help you lead a more fulfilling and balanced life. I will recommend books, authors, philosophies, and strategies that continue to help me in my own life pursuits. Becoming aligned with your path takes work, and not all of us know how to do that work. To help me navigate life's challenges, I've always had a mentor, a life coach, or a therapist, and those relationships have done wonders for me in my life far beyond what I could comprehend before reaching out to them.

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Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Health Coaching

Balancing the mind, body, & spirit is crucial to achieving optimal health and wealth. Health is always #1. If your body, spirit, and mind are fully healthy and in tune, success will follow and you will succeed in anything you put your mind to. Achieving and maintaining your mental, physical, and spiritual goals requires dedication, willingness to learn, and the right guidance. I offer health coaching that’s personalized to fit your needs, whether you’re looking to improve your overall health, build strength, clear your mind, or reach specific fitness targets. My coaching emphasizes the importance of sleep, sun, nutrition, mental health, meditation, hot/cold therapy, working out, and much more. I'm not a personal trainer and I don't count macros. What I do is more holistic, looking at the overall body of work so I can help you achieve optimal physical, spiritual, and mental performance when all of these elements are aligned and balanced.

Investing and Personal Finance

One of my biggest passions in life is learning and teaching my kids about personal finance. I've made some mistakes in this area of life when I was younger, and vowed I would do anything in my power to never make those mistakes again and to teach my kids this subject early on. Since then, I have read hundreds of books on investing and managing wealth. I have paid off my house and grown my own portfolio through countless hours of studying, determination, risk modeling, and patience. Navigating the world of investing and personal finance can be complex, it's not something we are taught in school, nor at home for most of us. My experience here has all been self taught through taking investment risks, business risks, playing poker, studying game theory, studying market dynamics, investment research/books, and much more. My services include guidance on budgeting, risk tolerance, investing strategies, and long-term financial planning for yourself and your family. I’ll help you develop a clear plan to manage your finances effectively and build a secure financial future. I'm currently in the process of studying for my SIE, Series 7, and Series 66 licenses and will be working as a Wealth Manager once i obtain all of the licensing. I love helping my family protect and grow their wealth, and look forward to doing the same for others who are passionate about doing the same.

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Let's Work Together

A note about all of the above areas of Life Coaching. Everything feeds off of each other. When you become the best version of yourself by putting in the work on a daily basis, the rest will follow. In some areas, you will see instant results. In other areas, you will have to work hard to get the results that you desire over time. But as you transform your mind, body, and spirit, and build your knowledge and experience, good things will follow. The compound effects of becoming a little bit better every single day are more astounding than anyone can imagine. In the investing world, compound effects can really take off and make you wealthy if you stay invested everyday for 30 years. In real life, its very similar - dedicate your life to becoming a little bit better each & everyday, and you will eventually reap the rewards for many years to come.