Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Our Full Micro affiliate artist in New Jersey is an SMP Master Artist and Trainer who's very experienced and extremely passionate about his work. He is located in a great location just a few minutes East of Philadelphia. His attention to detail is second to none as he makes sure to give 110% of his focus and attention to each and every client. His passion for changing lives is genuine and runs deep, as you will see from his portfolio and body of work. Whether you're looking for the soft natural look, or the hard lineup, his detailed work will have you looking young and fresh as soon as you walk out!
If you're from the East Coast and want to have your procedure done close to home, give us a call or shoot us an email so we can schedule your free consultation with our talented New Jersey affiliate artist.
Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation aka "SMP" (aka hair tattoo or scalp tattoo) is currently the ultimate, non-surgical solution for hair loss! We provide an instant, permanent, and life-changing treatment where thousands of organic pigments are precisely applied to the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real hair follicles. Whether you want to fill in a scar, a thinning area of your hair, or completely shave your head, SMP will help enhance your look tremendously. You will instantly look 10 years younger!
Scalp Micropigmentation is a modern hair loss treatment. We help people that are experiencing a level of hair loss that they want to change. Many of our clients have spent tens of thousands of dollars, using treatments and methods that have left them unsatisfied. We know the feeling because the founders of FULL Micropigmentation experienced this first hand.
Hair loss is deeply affecting many men and women and we are dedicated to improving the lives of each and every one of our clients. We do this by delivering the ultimate Scalp Micropigmentation experience. We are regarded as one of the leading Micropigmentation companies in the world with many years of experience, that has helped us in developing our own custom equipment, process, and procedure.
Enjoy A More Confident Life!
We help men and women overcome the problems associated with hair loss. With our expertise we can help you regain your confidence through the precise use of hair tattoo!
You Don't Have to Live With Hair Loss
Hair loss happens to men and women, but you don't have to accept it. We will camouflage your thinning hair and give you the appearance of a FULL head with a scalp tattoo!
Tattooing Hair is Fast and Non-Invasive
A hair transplant is a type of surgery and comes with complications, has limited effect and takes time to execute. A hairline tattoo has none of the risks associated with surgery and can be accomplished very quickly.
You Have Nothing To Lose, Except More Hair
Contact us today and make an appointment for a no obligation, free consultation. We don't pressure anyone, we just share our great solution and let the work speak for itself. Let's find out if it is right for you!
Take Advantage of our Free Consultation
Call 702-333-1181 or email us...

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